Browsing All posts tagged under »Health Care Reform«

Obamacare to Create Massive Doctor Shortage, Medical Rationing

April 13, 2010


According to a new report from the Association of American Medical Colleges, Obama’s health care reform bill, now that it has passed, will create a massive shortage of primary care doctors over the next 15 years. A shortage of primary-care and other physicians could mean more-limited access to health care and longer wait times for […]

Obama Set to Sign Abortion Order Behind Closed Doors

March 24, 2010


The Obama Administration, which was supposed to be the pinnacle of transparency in government, is so ashamed of its own Stupak abortion compromise that the President will sign the order in private. I guess it’s not “a big f**king deal.”

Vaccine Rationing a Prelude to Socialized Medicine

November 30, 2009


There are many arguments flying around the media about what a medical system run by the government might look like. Facing shortages, critics argue the government will have no choice but to resort to the kind of rationing we see in Europe and Canada, where wait times for even the most basic procedures often stretch to months. Defenders of the plan argue those are mere scare tactics, designed to frighten people away from a public option. But how vaccines for the H1N1 are rationed may offer an insight into what we can expect from Obamacare.